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Bee Well Soaking Salt Vials 2 oz.

Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $11.20.

(In Stock)

SKU: I167548725 Category:

French Grey Sea Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Dried Echinacea, French Green Clay, Bee Pollen, Eucalyptus Essential Oil

The mixture of salts, flowers, clays, essentialoilsand bee pollen gets poured into one of the included mesh soaking pouches then dropped into your tub. After the ingredients dissolve in the warm water like a tea bag, you have an elegant bath that not only relaxes your muscles but moisturizes your skin. Once finished, simply throw away the pouch!

Pourthe entire vial of the soaking salts into the provided mesh pouches, tie it up, and drop it in your tub. Onceyou’redone bathing, throw the pouch away.


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